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10 steps to Geography revision success:

  1. Revision space: Find a good place to work. It should be quiet and uncluttered.
  2. Revision timetable: Draw up a revision timetable - it's crucial. It should be realistic, cover all subjects and allow you some time off to relax.
  3. Make notes: Don't just read through your class work, make notes. One useful tip is to gradually condense your notes so they fit on the back of a postcard.
  4. Revision guides: Get a recommendation from your teacher as to which are most useful and then make sure you use them!
  5. Questions and answers: Write out some past questions and answers to see how much you're actually remembering.
  6. Listen in: Try recording your notes and then listen to them walking down the street or whilst you're in bed. Watch useful Geography clips on Youtube.
  7. Prompts: Put key words and phrases on sticky notes around the house, so you'll see them often.
  8. Seek help!: Don't go it alone. They say a problem shared is a problem halved. So, get friends and family on board to help you revise.
  9. Past papers: Make sure you get hold of some past papers, they're a really good way of knowing what to expect in the exam.Go to for more info...
  10. Relax: If you panic you're lost! The exams are going to happen so you might as well give yourself the best chance of doing well by starting to revise early and keeping calm.
Good luck!

don't forget the bite size revision videos

they are very funny for a geography teacher!!!

FREE ONLINE revision planner

use the website below to plan your online timetable - print out and stick on your bedroom wall

A question of style

We all learn in different ways by identifying your natural learning style with this quick fun questionnaire you will be able to adapt you revision to suit how you learn best ...

 Mrs B says: "Not suprisingly my learning style is mainly auditory which means I learn by listening and explains why I talk so much in lessons.."

take the quiz ...

Mostly visual learners could revise by .....
  • ·     Using post-its and stick on wall
  • ·     Summarising notes
  • ·     Highlighting or circling important information
  • ·     Using a traffic light system to indicate progress in learning and action points
  • ·    Drawing diagrams, pictures, mind maps, collage
  • ·    Displaying key words  around the room
Mostly auditory learners could revise by ..
  • Making  up mnemonics, rhymes 
  • Creating a podcast and listening to it (try Audacity)
  • Testing yourself or friends  
  • Being the teacher – teach someone else something you’re revising 
  • Raps, rhyme, chants and verse, dramatic readings
  • Using music for energising, relaxing visualising and reviewing

Mostly kinaesthetic learners could revise by ...

  •   Making your own PowerPoint or movie
  •   Creating your own revision cards 
  •  Acting topics out! 
  •  Playing a revision game on BBC Bitesize
  •  Designing and build activities 
  •  Using gestures or movements to demonstrate a concept

now do some....