Just for Year 10

Homework help for Year 10

1st December 2014

Tropical Storms

There are three steps that people are urged to follow to reduce the damage from tropical storms:                                           


  • Rich MEDCs, such as the USA, can invest in technology to predict the general area in which hurricanes will strike. This technology is not so readily available to LEDCs, although many countries receive information from organisations such as the Joint Typhoon Warning Centre (Pacific) or National Hurricane Centre (Atlantic) to help them prepare for storms.
  • The track of a tropical storm is affected by a great many factors, so they are very unpredictable. Forecasters have a 20-25% chance of knowing exactly where a tropical storm will hit 48 in advance of landfall.
  • Forecasts are made available to residents on the internet so that they can make decisions about whether they need to evacuate. This is obviously a much more useful means of communication in an MEDC where the percentage of residents with internet access is much higher than in LEDCs. Indeed, one of the major problems in preparing for a strike in an LEDC is communicating with the people in an area that is likely to be affected as the infrastructure may well be poorly developed.



Most countries affected by tropical storms now have education programmes to raise awareness on preparing for storms. There is an annual Hurricane Preparedness Week in the USA when schools, businesses and families are all encouraged to plan for possible strikes in the forthcoming hurricane season. Leaflets, posters and school lessons are common ways of spreading the message. New technologies - such as Twitter are also being used to educate people.

People living in areas affected by tropical storms are encouraged to have a hurricane emergency kit on standby and also to have thought in advance about how they will protect their home and belongings. This might include boarding up windows and doors. In MEDCS, people may also be able to afford windproof tiles, water-resistant windows and strengthened building structures.         

People in LEDCs may not be able to afford this kind of protection. However, simple but cheap measures can be put in place to ensure that people are well prepared for tropical storms. These include educating people (particularly women) about what to wear in case they have to swim, building homes on stilts, building cyclone shelters and training local people to organise others in an evacuation.



  • When landfall has been forecast, action needs to be taken. This might include boarding up windows and doors, or evacuating the area.
  •  A mandatory evacuation is where the authorities command everyone in an area to leave. It is vital to ensure that only those people who are in the danger area try to leave - otherwise the road system will get clogged up and people will be put at greater risk.


How can people plan and prepare for a volcanic eruption?


If an eruption is predicted, access to the volcano may be restricted or the area might be evacuated (i.e. people moved away to a place of safety). We  looked at the example of Chances Peak in Montserrat - the island is zoned into evacuation 'no-go' zones and areas where people can stay but need to be ready to leave quickly. When the volcano started erupting in 1995, access to the south of the island was restricted and around 5000 people were evacuated to the northern part of the island where a new port area was built at Little Bay to allow people to leave the island. The volcano is still erupting, and the island zone map and hazard level classification system is shown below.


When lava flows are threatening a town or village, it may be worth the expense of building earth or rock walls to divert lava flow or even using planes and helicopters to drop water to cool the lava and slow it down. This happened in Iceland in 1983. The military might be called in to use bombs and dynamite to alter the flow of the lava (these techniques have been used by the Italian authorities when managing Mount Etna).


In areas where volcanoes give out large amounts of ash, building design can help to limit the damage caused by an eruption. Flat-roofs are a major risk as ash settles on them and becomes very heavy, causing collapse. Sloping roofs are much better, particularly if they can be made from smooth materials such as metal and glass which are more likely to shed the volcanic ash. People living in affected areas should also make sure that doors and windows have a good seal and that filter systems are installed to limit ash damage to computer and electrical systems.


Residents should keep an emergency kit - water, tinned food, wind-up radio, tape, towels, googles, torch, breathing mask - in case the volcano erupts. Campaigns in areas subject to eruptions have helped to educate people about the importance of keeping an eruption kit. In some areas, practice drills are held to make sure that everyone knows what to do in an eruption. Evacuation routes can be planned and tested, and signposts can help to inform people of escape routes. Volcanic hazard maps can also be used to help predict the likely consequences of an eruption.

Stop the disaster Home work
Click on the link and play the game.  When finished write 200 words on other ways to protect people in earthquake zones.

Check out the documentary on wild fires folks, it'll help with the hostiles world unit!


Jan 8

the disappearing stack


just loving this song …..

Medmerry's £28m flood prevention scheme set for completion today


Year 10 Mock Summer Examination

1 hr 30 min

Section A: Coastal Environments

Section B: Living with Natural Hazards

What do you need to know...?
The range of economic activities found in coastal areas
How are coasts sustainably managed?
Features and processes of soft coastlines
Coastal management
Short and long term reponses to volcanoes
How earthquake impacts can be reduced
Tropical revolving storms
Reduction of wildfires

Year 10 Revision Ideas...

Some sample past questions on Coastal Environments

1 (a) (i) Suggest two ways that the natural environment attracts tourists to the coast of Bahia (4 marks)
1 (a) (ii) Explain how coastal areas can provide opportunities for economic development. (4 marks)
1 (b) (i) Explain how the development of coastal areas can damage local environments. (6 marks)

1 (b) (ii) Suggest how a coastal area could be protected from over-development.              (4 marks)
1 (c) (i) Name and describe one process of coastal erosion.
(2 marks)

1 (c) (ii) Name and describe one process of weathering in coastal areas.
 (2 marks)
1 (e) Explain the formation of a coastal bar. You may use a diagram to support your answer. (6 marks)

Year 10 Mock Summer Examination
1 hr 30 min

Section A: Coastal Environments
Section B: Living with Natural Hazards


Controlled Assessment:
 Year 10 Easter Holiday Research

Below are some resources which should help you understand thebackground theory to controlled assessment task 2: 'Water a precious resource'. Year 10 will be starting the controlled assessment task after the Easter holiday.

A Chinese website outlining the importance of water... 

Very useful starting point... 

Water management in LEDCs 

Water management in LEDCs 

Consider how water is used differently in LEDCs and MEDCs and how this can impact economy and social development...

Remember Year 10 Geography Exam in Summer. Revision sessions will be provided nearer the time...
El Nino information. Consider how it would influence Tropical Revolving Storms? Check out link...
Year 10 Hurricane Exam Question
Deadline Tuesday 26th February 2013
Question: Study Figure 1, which shows information on the USA and Myanmar (Burma). 

With the help of Fig 1, explain why the people of the USA may be better prepared for a tropical storm than the people of Myanmar.
Fig 1:            Indicator
Birth Rates (per 1000)
Death Rates (per 1000)
GDP (per person)
Life expectancy (years)
Literacy rate (%)
Employment structure
Primary: 54,
Secondary: 10,
Tertiary: 36
Primary: 2,
Secondary: 20,
Tertiary: 78
Internet users (%)
Mobile phone users

Year 10 Hurricane Case Study. Study the following links. What are the key differences between reponses to hurricanes in a LEDC and a MEDC?

Case Study on Hurricane Katrina 2005

Case Study on Hurricane Nargis 2008

What can be done to reduce the impacts of Volcanoes?

Technological advances are making it easier to predict volcanic eruptions.
  • Satellites monitor the temperature and shape of active volcanoes.
  • Sensors measure levels of sulphur dioxide and carbon dioxide gas
  • Seismometers record earthquakes as magma rises to fill the volcano
  • Tilt meters record any change in the shape of the volcano
  • Volcanoes can be studied similar to an organ pipe and for the increase in pressure prior to an eruption
Being able to predict volcanic eruptions makes it easier to prepare for them
  • Hazard maps are drawn up to show areas at risk
  • People are evacuated to safe areas.
  • Lava flows may be diverted by spraying them with water, or even bombing them
  • Emergency services can be trained to be ready for an eruption and deal with injuries etc
  • Emergency supplies can be got ready such as food, water etc
  • Provide an after eruption plan to return the area to normal with plans for clearing up the mess and repairing the damage. 

Hostile Worlds Unit 2: Year 10 Homework
Use the website to produce a 200 word summary describing how USA citizens are encouraged to prepare for earthquakes
Include 30 words evaluating how useful the website is.

Check out this Case Study of Monserratt eruption in 1997

Year 10! Watch the news reports on Wildfires and consider the primary and secondary effects.

Check out the Tsunami 2004 Story in Impossible...
Year 10 Asylum Links Christmas Project
10F Hannah Cairns, Katie Palmer, Morgan M-H, Ellie Norman
10O Eleanor Gray, Kirsten Davis, Chloe Highton
10R Neil Kinrade and Aidan Kirwin
10M Charlie Hinchy, Grace Halton, James Bamber,
10B Eleanor Sutton and Elizabeth Green
10Y Lucy Carr, Lucy Edmondson, Lucy Fell

The above students have agreed to co-ordinate a collection of goods for Asylum Links following the recent session on Rainbow Day. Thank you for all your offers of help. Your response has been overwhelming!

The following items are particularly needed at the centre. I can drop these off on Friday 21st December so please give them to your tutor representatives by Wednesday 19th December during morning tutor period.

·       All unwanted clothing (in good condition!) particularly men’s clothing.
·       Toiletries such as, shampoos, shower gel, razor blades, soaps etc.
·       Food stuffs (in date!);

Cooking Oil        
Tinned Tomatoes
Corn Beef
Beans/Soups/Spaghetti are welcomed but not in demand.

Thank you for all your hard work. Any questions see Mrs Slater in C14.

What a fascinating and emotional Rainbow Day Year 10
Here is the link for Asylum Links website should you wish to investigate further...Well done for all your hard work and maturity.

Mrs S x

As requested :  Here is the link for the video on the issues to do with mass tourism in Spain - Enjoy!!


Can you guess what it is? Where it is?

Question: What is the difference between a spit and a bar?

Answer: A bar develops by the process of Longshore drift,which occurs due to waves meeting at the beach at an angle and backwashing perpendicular to the shore, moving sediment down the beach on a zigzag pattern whereas, a spit is a deposition landform found off coasts. At one end, spits connect to land and extend into the sea.

Well done to Mrs Slater's AMAZING Year 10 class. 

Fabulous 3D Coastal Landforms.

Landslip at Black Ven, between Lyme Regis and Charmouth

Read more on Dorset's eroding coastline...

Year 10 Extended Homework Task Due in: Week after half term

Case Study: The Holderness Coastline

Your case study may include annotated and labelled maps /diagrams,  photographs, and any other useful method of explaining the information.

What do you need to include in your case study file

  1. The main direction(s) of the prevailing wind
  2. Maps to show the location in the UK
  3. The areas of coastline exposed to erosion

  4. The areas of coastline exposed to transportation
  5. The areas of coastline exposed to deposition
  6. The geology of the coastline

  7. The landforms created from erosion (inc. stacks,and wave-cut platforms)
  8. The landforms created from deposition (inc spit)
  9. ‘Focus Files’ (i.e. detailed work) on each of the following
    1. Flamborough

    2. Mappleton
    3. Hornsea
    4. Spurn Point


Here he is...Old Harry, Dorset.
Case Study of a coastal arch- Durdle Door, Dorset...lovely!

Coastal Landforms and Processes

Some preparation for Year 10 Geographers 

 Welcome Year 10 Geographers 2012!

 Take a look at this clip on rip currents. Hope it answers a question that we were discussing today...

 Take a look at this diagram on how tides are created?

Link for Y10 homework question


Last Day panic!!

Use your revision guide ....

check over the earlier posts on the blog

practice your past questions

Will see you all tommorow - -sleep well and walk to school to gain your brain working ...

Good Luck ....... 


What are the advantages of living in earthquake zones and areas close to volcanoes?

Geothermal energy

Geothermal energy is where steam from water heated by hot rocks below the surface of the earth is used to drive turbines and generate electricity. This is a very cheap and sustainable way of producing electricity since it uses a renewable source. More than 70% of the homes in Iceland are heated by geothrmal energy.


Volcanic landscapes often have very beautiful scenery. They attract a whole range of visitors from students on geography fieldtrips to artists, photographers, walkers etc. Tourists migh come to watch eruptions, see geysers, relax in hot springs or have mud baths (we hope to do all of these things on the GCE Geography fieldtrip to Iceland!). The tourism industry that builds up in the area can provide many jobs and these encourage people to live in the area. Thse include jobs as gudies, in visitor centres, in hotels and other types of accommodation as well as in gift shops, cafes. bars etc.

Fertile soils

The volcanic rocks are very rich in minerals. They form fertile soils when weathered, and these are ideal for growing crops. On Mount Etna in Sicily, yields of grapes are five times higher than the national average because the soils are so fertile.

Raw materials and minerals

Many valuable minerals are erupted from volcanoes and these can be collected and used. Gold, silver, copper and tin are found in the remains of extinct volcanoes. In active areas, heated groundwater concentrates traces of these minerals into rich veins which can then be mined. 


Why do people still live in danger zones?

Many people choose to live in these areas because of the benefits listed above but a great deal of others stay because they unable to relocate away from the danger zones. For many people, the advantages of living in a danger zone by far outweigh the risk of coping with the possibility of an earthquake or eruption. Make sure you know the reasons listed below as well as the benefits listed above!

- some people think that disasters only affect other people and will never harm them - they ignore the dangers and assume they will be OK
- some people come from families who have lived in danger areas for many many years - long before they knew that they were hazard zones - and they don't want to break family ties by moving away
- some people think that scientists will be able to predict any seismic activity long enough in advance for the area to be evacuated - so they feel safe to live there
- some people simply may not be able to afford to move anywheere else
- some of the settlements in danger zones eg. Mexico ity, San Francisco, Los Angeles, have grown into enormous megacities and there just isn't space to rebuild them elsewhere away from danger


Hope Chemistry went well - couldn't get paper photocopied in time so you can access it on the following website:


we are sitting unit 2

Tonight you could look at volcanoes ....

Composite volcanoes

  • Composite volcanoes happen where the lava is acidic. 
  • The sticky acidic lava pours slowly down the side of the cone and cools quickly to produce a steep sided volcano. 
  • Alternate layers are formed because each eruption first produces rock fragments which are later covered by lava
  • This kind of volcano is found at destructive plate margins.

Shield (basic) volcanoes

  • Shield volcanoes are enormous features built up only from layers of lava
  • They produce lots of lava but they tend not to erupt violently. Shield volcanoes form when the lava is basic (the opposite to acidic). 
  • You get these types of volcanoes along constructive plate margins and also where there are hotspots. Basic lava is runny so it flows quite a long way before it cools.

The effects of volcanic eruptions

The effects of volcanic eruptions can be divided into primary and secondary effects
The primary effects are immediate and come from the eruption itself whereas the secondary effects result from the primary effects. 

Primary effects of a volcanic eruption
You need to learn the definitions of the terms volcanic gases; lava flows; pyroclastic flows; tephra.
  • Volcanic gases - All magma contains dissolved gases that are release during and between eruptions. These gases are mainly steam, carbon dioxide and compounds of sulphur and chlorine.
  • Lava flows - These are streams of molten rock.
  • Pyroclastic flows - These are high speed avalanches of hot ash, rock fragments and gas which move down the sides of a volcano. These flows occur when the vent area or ash column collapses.

Secondary effects of a volcanic eruption

Make sure that you know at least 3 secondary effects of an eruption in detail.

  • Lahars - These are mixtures of water, rock, ash, sand and mud that originate from the slopes of a volcano. Lahars often happen because of heavy rainfall eroding volcanic deposits or heat from a volcanic vent suddenly melting snow and ice.
  • Landslides - Heat from cooling magma can cause hydrothermal alteraton of the rocks, turning sections of them into clay. This weakens the rocks and increases the risk of slope failures.
  • Flooding - Explosive eruptions can change thge surface areas around a volcano and disrupt drainage patterns, leading to long-term flooding.

Other secondary effects include:

  • Food / water supply interrupted.
  • Homelessness.
  • Businesses forced to close.
  • Cost of insurance claims.
  • Unemployment.
  • Long-term issues with the tourism industry. 


What is a tropical storm? How do they form?

  • Tropical cyclones use warm, moist air as fuel. That is why they form only over warm ocean waters near the equator. 
  • The warm, moist air over the ocean rises rapidly upward from near the surface and becomes saturated with evaporated moisture. This means that there is less air left at the surface (i.e. low pressure). 
  • Air from surrounding areas with higher air pressure pushes in to the low pressure area to try to equalise the pressure. 
  • Then that “new” air becomes warm and moist and rises, too.
  •  As the warm air continues to rise, the surrounding air swirls in to take its place. Trade winds cause the moist air to spin inwards. 
  • As the warmed, moist air rises and cools off, the water in the air forms towering cumulonimbus thunderclouds (because there is a huge amount of condensation). 
  • The whole system of clouds and wind spins and grows, fed by the ocean’s heat and water evaporating from the surface.


Make sure that you are know the difference between latitude and longitude .....

also check out climate graphs

and other graphs that could come up ...

Revision after school tomo night - don't forget

Earthquakes ...

  • Earthquakes are usually caused when rock underground suddenly breaks along a fault. 
  • This sudden release of energy causes the seismic waves that make the ground shake. When two blocks of rock or two plates are rubbing against each other, they stick a little. 
  • They don't just slide smoothly; the rocks catch on each other. 
  • The rocks are still pushing against each other, but not moving. After a while, the rocks break because of all the pressure that's built up. 
  • When the rocks break, the earthquake occurs.
  •  During the earthquake and afterward, the plates or blocks of rock start moving, and they continue to move until they get stuck again.
  •  The spot underground where the rock breaks is called the focus of the earthquake. 
  • The place right above the focus (on top of the ground) is called the epicenter of the earthquake.


Have a look tonight at your case study on wildfires in California -make sure you know the effects below:

The fires forced approximately 1,000,000 people to evacuate their homes, the largest evacuation in California's history.
Over 1800 homes were destroyed.
Over 2,000 km² of land burned.
Nine people died as a direct result of the fires. 85 others were injured, including at least 61 firefighters.
Damage to property estimated at US$1.6 billion.
Air pollution levels raised across the area to 3 times their normal level - this causes breathing difficulties. People were advised to stay indoors.
Tourist trade was damaged. San Diego Zoo and Sea World were closed.
Drinking water in some cities was pollutd and people were advised to drink only bottled water.
Crops were destroyed, either by the fire itself or because they weren't watered as the farm workers had been evacuated. Food prices rose.
Many species of plants and animals were killed.


Wildfires throughout colorado and New Mexico forcing evacuations - can you pick out the causes? the effects? How the wildfires are being managed?



A very jubilicious hello!

Sorted wifi and can now nag you from afar!!!
If you get chance today look at your case studies - make sure that you know about Kobe - a tectonic hazard in an MEDC- try to learn 5 key facts that would show the examiner that you are talking specifically about Kobe (the thumb test ). Remember we also studies Monsterrat for a tectonic hazard in an LEDC.


Use the FEMA website to find ways to prepare for a wildfire in the USA...



Hope you've been enjoying the hot weather this weekend - perfect wildfire conditions if the hot temperatures continue . Can you answer the following past question ...

Wildfires are more a human hazard than a natural hazard . Discuss. ( 8 marks)


What are the advantages of living near volcanoes ?
If your not sure how you would answer this question then watch the video below.....

.......not sure about the music choice but the video is good!


Loving Mr Serabian


Constructive plate boundaries for revision today

 I've remarked all your mocks - FANTASTIC  BIG BIG BIG IMPROVEMENTS!!!!



Wildfires in Arizona .....happening now as we sit learning (hopefully) about them -Good luck with english exam tuesday !



fabulous website for tonights revision

Tuesday 15th May
don't forget to start your 20 minutes a day Y10 ....

Y10 revision guide
Hi chaps you should be able to download the revision guide using this link...


good luck!

Happisburgh in the news this week ...


Y10 Lake District trip  Parents meeting in studio 4.30 -5pm Wednesday.
Try to remember your consent forms ....

Play ‘stop the disaster game’ and write a 200 word explanation of ways to prepare for an earthquake. Follow link below.


Half term homework Y10
Ever heard of Amasia ? 


Look at this article on the bbc website. Explain with the help of a labelled diagram how this could happen. Don't forget to use key words . 

Phew ...it's all over - have a lovely weekend relax and enjoy ! Well done again for your attitude and determination to succeed......

Last night ...... just pick one topic your not sure about tonight - don't try to cram in everything .. make sure that you get a really good night's sleep - plenty of good breakfast in the morning ... I'm confident you will all shine .. GOOD LUCK . Mrs Bx

Well done today -excellent attitude and effort during our revision lessons - very impressed with your effort and attitude..

Tonight you could focus on case studies and command words - revisit everything we looked at today to really get the ideas stuck in your head...

Tuesday 17th Jan

Tonight you might like to focus revision on Conflicts - 

How can it be fair to spend £60 million on defending Sea Palling whilst Happisburgh is left to erode?

Have think about this question - look through your exercise book and see if you can design a spider diagram ( mind map) to highlight the key issues surrounding coastal conflicts - make sure that you include the following key words :

coastal blight     economic value     Sea Palling   Norfolk Broads (unique ecosystem)  thriving community     buy  a rock for Happisburgh  fastest eroding coast in Europe Shoreline management plan (SMP )   hold the line     do nothing 
revetments  10-15 meteres lost per year

few videos to watch :


Wow 42 of you at revision! Fabulous turn out well done!
tonight I would focus on the coast as a multi use area - apart from Emily most of you did not seem to know the definition of a a multi use area .

Learn the definition and then try to learn five ways that Liverpool is a multi use area.

then try the 8 mark past question higher ( 6 marks foundation)

Describe and explain the reasons for the growth of populations in coastal regions.


morning folks - just finished marking your mocks -you are all making the same silly mistakes - I would like you to focus today on command words - write these words out and get  a kindly parent to test you 

describe - this means say the characteristics of something for example describing the shape of a beach in your mock - is it wide, narrow made of sand , long, thin etc.

explain - this means say why something has happened - again in your mock this would be explain why a beach with groynes is wider than one without groynes. -so it would all be about sand getting trapped from process of log shore drift.

using your own knowledge - say something you know about from our lessons

using fig 4 ... make sure you say in your sentence "...  as figure 4 shows"

how - here you need to say how something is protected not why - what has actually been done

why  - here you need to say why in other words what are the reasons for something happening.

You need to be underlining these command words - no one is doing that it is crucial for success - there is no point writing loads of information that is not answering the question - PLEASE CHECK OVER THESE WORDS CAREFULLY

You all also need to have better knowledge on longterm planning - Ancona, and ICZM and  SMP
have good revising day

Friday - last weekend before the exam -try to use your time sensibly and build into your weekend some revision as well as some much needed lazy time..

tonight you could look at the formation of a wave cut platform and rockfalls - when the rocks fall down - it hasn't come up for a while:

  • wave cut platforms happen on hard coastlines
  • they occur at the base of a cliff
  • abrasion is the main process of erosion but weathering is important too
  • the rocks fall into the sea and are then used again to pound the cliff face

look at the diagram below and learn it !

make sure that you can recognise what a wave cut platform looks like on a photo:

( thanks to geobytesgcse for the photo)

Thursday - mock for my class friday ......  try to keep to time 1 minute 1 mark 

tonight I would recommend that you revise:

waves constructive and destructive
factors affecting the size of waves - fetch length of time wind blowing and duration of wind how long the wind has been blowing for
I would also probably revise soft engineering and longshore drift and probably cast my eye over caves arches and stacks

just some random ideas to think about tonight ........

Wednesday 9 days to go .....

How about a focus on the basics tonight ?

every question you are asked on the formation of a coastal erosion feature must include the processes of erosion.


Erosion is... rocks being broken down and moved away. Marine erosion is the wearing away and removal of rocks by the action of the sea.

There are 3 processes of erosion :

Corrasion (abrasion) this is where the bits of rock and sand that are carried in the waves are hurled at cliffs and grind them down. It is sometimes described as sandblasting.

Attrition is where the waves cause rocks and pebbles that they are carrying to smash into each other and break down. They become smaller and rounder.

Hydraulic Action is the constant force of waves crashing on the shore. When waves crash against the cliffs they force air into cracks in the rock. The air is trapped, and pressure builds up. As the waves move back, pressure is released and the trapped air expands. Small explosions take place and weaken the rock, blasting fragments away.

Can you make up a revision nmenoic ( an easy way to remember the first letter of the word) I would have 
CAH  Harry always Cries

Weathering is the breaking down of rocks by the action of the weather, plants or chemical action. In happens in situ - this means 'without movement'. This is the main difference between weathering and erosion.


Solution is where acids contained in sea water slowly dissolve certain types of rock. Sea water is very corrosive and slowly dissolves chalk and limestone. This increases the size of the cracks and joints in the rock so that the other forces of erosion can become more effective.

Wetting/drying is another form of weathering. Here, softer rocks like clay expand when they are wet and contract when they are dry (think about your pottery lessons if you need an easy way to remember this!). Over time, the continual expansion and contraction can weaken the rocks and make them more easily eroded by other processes.

Sub-aerial processes are processes that attack the face and top of a cliff - i.e. those parts that are exposed to the atmosphere. Sub-aerial processes include rainfall, surface runoff and freeze-thaw weathering.

bit harder to make a nmenonic for these letters - I made 
Wet and dry Sandwiches make me sick (rubbish - can you do better??)

Past questions have asked you to give a definition of erosion and weathering, explain the difference between the two - however you will most probably use the terms in your explanations as to how features such as wave cut platforms, caves arches  stacks  and rock falls occur.

Remember it is not enough to say that abrasion happens you have to say how abrasion works to get the full marks. ... Now learn the definitions  -easy marks night!!!! 


Hope English exam went well - now to focus on geography.
think you should revise tonight Shoreline Management Plans SMP


Use the link above to look at how SMPs are used to protect our coastline - use the menu on the left hand side and click on Crosby to Formby - has some interesting information on our stretch of coastline.


great barrier reef documentary on bbc 2 tonight 8pm - if you've not had chance to
watch on i player


Great revision programme on the Great Barrier Reef on BBC2 last night at 7pm watch here on BBC iplayer - thanks to Ryan for letting me know ! watch out for the next 2 episodes over next couple of weeks - really shows why we need to protect the reef.


Friday - at last it is the weekend !

just try to do 20 minutes tonight....

why not revise depositional features using the bbc bite size link below - there is revision and then 4 quick questions to check your understanding.


by the way = as you have your english exam on tuesday I have cancelled revision class on Monday night as you need to revise for english ....

perhaps today you could have  a look maps use the link below to access some map skills games on the OS website


or if you feel less confident with your map skills have  a look at this webpage

 you need to click on the english version - then click on homework help - then click on the map on the computer desk - it has help with grid references - measuring distances - map symbols

still raining today - but can you explain how rain ( a sub aerial process ) can contribute to cause cliff slumping on a soft coastline ?
need a reminder ? watch this fab video from you tube showing exactly what happened .....

Tuesday back to school today..
As the weather is so shocking it has made me think about protecting our coast - remember there are 2 types of engineering - hard and soft - have a look at the website below to see how hard and soft engineering can protect our vulnerable coastlines - the website is brilliant -click on the video icons to watch videos - special hello to Josh - found your comment!!!!


Can't believe it's nearly new year - lets hope its a successful one for you all - especially January

how about thinking about dubai today - its an example of how coasts can be important for the economy - have a look at you tube and type in dubai miracle or mirage - its a national geographic video - you will need to watch all of the parts (or 20 minutes minimum!!!)

Tuesday 27th December

hope you all had a relaxing christmas ....

today you could spend 20 minutes thinking about a past question- this is a higher tier question and was for 4 marks- can you explain why a a soft coastline erodes

If your not sure follow the link below which has some great diagrams video and explanation

Friday 23rd December
5 page views yesterday - 5 of you are revising ! well done!!!
cliffs and wave cut platforms today- watch the video and then try drawing simple annotated diagram to explain how they are formed- don't forget to explain your processes of erosion.

have a lovely christmas....

Thursday 22nd December 
3 more sleeps till Christmas!

formation of a spit and bar
have a look at this really good blog to remind you about spits and bars


make sure you can draw both the diagrams - don't worry about tombolos - we don't need to learn about them.

Wednesday 21st
formation of a stack today
don't forget importance of starting on a headland - water on three sides and then importance of sequence  - weakness- cave- arch -stack -stump and of course how important it is to mention how hydraulic power works - in your 20 minutes today try writing a perfect answer with a diagram in 6 minutes- 15 minutes to revise and 6 minutes to practise.
Have fun ......

Monday 19th 

only 6 days to go ........
glad to see your checking the blog for updates - hope your making most of the miserable weather and keeping up with your 20 minutes of revision !

have a look at the following website - it is the great barrier reef marine park authority channel  - has all sorts of cheesy videos - I liked the adverts for the zoning maps and the coral bleaching cartoon


have fun!

Saturday 17th

Happy holidays!

Watch this video to help you with revision of processes of erosion

Thursday 15th December Y10 
Revision challenge
Spend your 20 minutes tonight practising drawing the diagram of a constructive and destructive wave - then watch the video to remind yourself of the key facts - last day of school tomo - yippee!!!!!

Year 10 Holderness Coast homework .. try your best with this piece of work
Watch this video if you are getting a bit bored it's great revision... (not my choice of music though!!)

Lesson one homework
hi Y10 -well done for looking the link to the website for homework is just below:


May 4th

 Have a look at this fab animation about the formation of hurricanes for Y10 and Y11 resitters


Year 10s
Excellent tsunami case study - you might want to work on it and learn it as an example ????


it's quite hard to find a climate graph for Blackpool - why not use this data to draw one or make one in excel?
remember we need temperature as a line graph and rainfall as a bar graph

This week saw the eruption of the world's most active volcano...


Well done Y11 - Geography controlled assessment superstars

thought you might enjoy this little video.......

Year 10 Parents Meeting: Thursday March 3rd 2011

Don't forget to remind your parent's that we have a meeting on Thursday night at 4.30 to discuss our adventure weekend to Hawes End. Please tell your parents that the meeting is in the Drama studio not the LRC

Year 10 Montserrat 

some more info on Montserrat:




and some pyroclastic flow stuff.......